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TSP Controller
929-0032, 929-0033
Manuale di Istruzioni
Notice de Mode D'Emploi
User Manual



Inhaltszusammenfassung für Agilent Technologies 929-0032

  • Seite 1 TSP Controller Models 929-0032, 929-0033 Manuale di Istruzioni Bedienungshandbuch Notice de Mode D’Emploi User Manual 87-900-138-01 02/2012...
  • Seite 2: Trademarks

    1987). U.S. Government users will The material contained in this receive no greater than Limited Rights document is provided “as is,” and is © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012 as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June subject to being changed, without 1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2) No part of this manual may be notice, in future editions.
  • Seite 3: Sublimation Controller

    Sublimation Controller Sublimation Controller TSP Controller User Manual 87-900-138-01 3/127...
  • Seite 4 Sublimation Controller 4/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 5: Inhaltsverzeichnis

    TSP Controller User Manual Contents Sublimation Controller Contents Istruzioni per l’uso 9 Informazioni Generali Descrizione del Controller Immagazzinamento 12 Preparazione per l’installazione 13 Installazione Procedure di Uso Manutenzione 22 Smaltimento Messagi di Errore Gebrauchsanleitung Allgemeines Beschreibung des Controllers Lagerung Vor der Installation 31 Installation 33 Gebrauch Bedienung 38...
  • Seite 6 Istruzioni per l’uso Descrizione del Controller Wartung Entsorgung 41 Störungsmeldungen 42 Mode d’emploi Indications Generales Description du Controleur Emmagasinage 46 Preparation pour l’Installation Installation 49 Utilisation 50 Procedures d'Utilisation 54 Entretien Mise au Rebut 57 Messages d‘ Erreur 58 Instructions for Use General Information 60 Controller Description Storage...
  • Seite 7 Istruzioni per l’uso Descrizione del Controller Technical Information 75 Sublimation Controller Description Sublimation Controller Specification 79 Sublimation Controller Outline Pump Connection (J6 connector) 81 Remote I/O Connection (P5 connector) 82 Serial Port (J2 connector) SERIAL CABLE INSTALLATION 84 Sublimation Controller Configuration 86 Operating Mode Selection Sublimation Parameters Setting 95 Parameters Values 99...
  • Seite 8 Istruzioni per l’uso Descrizione del Controller LETTER PROTOCOL DESCRIPTION 107 Communication Format 107 Communication Protocol 107 Example of TSP Messages Window Protocol Description Window-Meanings 118 Orderable parts 121 8/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 9: Istruzioni Per L'uso

    Istruzioni per l’uso Descrizione del Controller Istruzioni per l’uso Informazioni Generali Descrizione del Controller Immagazzinamento 12 Preparazione per l’installazione Installazione Uso 16 Controlli ed Indicatori del Pannello Frontale del Sublimation Controller Pannello Posteriore del Sublimation Controller Procedure di Uso Modi di Funzionamento 20 Accensione del Sublimation Controller 21 Spegnimento del Sublimation Controller Manutenzione 22...
  • Seite 10: Informazioni Generali

    Istruzioni per l’uso Descrizione del Controller Informazioni Generali Questa apparecchiatura è destinata ad uso professionale. L'utilizzatore deve leggere attentamente il presente manuale di istruzioni ed ogni altra informazione addizionale fornita dalla Agilent prima dell'utilizzo dell'apparecchiatura. La Agilent si ritiene sollevata da eventuali responsabilità...
  • Seite 11: Descrizione Del Controller

    Numero di parte Unità Base Sublimation Controller predisposto per una tensione di 929-0033 alimentazione di 220 Vac Sublimation Controller predisposto per una tensione di 929-0032 alimentazione di 110 Vac Accessori Cavo per pompa TSP 924-0730 Cavo per pompa Mini Ti-Ball 924-0752 Il Sublimation Controller può...
  • Seite 12: Immagazzinamento

    Istruzioni per l’uso Immagazzinamento Immagazzinamento Per trasportare e immagazzinare il controller occorre osservare le seguenti condizioni ambientali: Temperatura: da -20 °C a +70 °C  Umidità relativa: 0 – 95 % (non condensante)  12/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 13: Preparazione Per L'installazione

    Il Sublimation Controller è predisposto in fabbrica per le seguenti tensioni di alimentazione: modello 929-0033 per 220 Vac (tensione di ingresso da 190 a  230 Vac). modello 929-0032 per 120 Vac (tensione di ingresso da 110 a  130 Vac). TSP Controller User Manual 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 14 Istruzioni per l’uso Preparazione per l’installazione Nel caso in cui fosse necessario cambiare la tensione di alimentazione, eseguire la seguente procedura: Spegnere il Sublimation Controller e staccare il cavo di alimentazione dal Controller. Nel pannello posteriore, impostare il selettore di tensione nella posizione desiderata.
  • Seite 15: Installazione

    Istruzioni per l’uso Installazione Installazione AVVERTENZA! Il Sublimation Controller è munito di un cavo di alimentazione a 3 fili con una spina di sicurezza (approvata a livello internazionale). Utilizzare questo cavo di alimentazione e spina insieme ad una presa munita di collegamento di terra, onde evitare folgorazioni.
  • Seite 16: Uso

    Istruzioni per l’uso Durante il funzionamento, occorre che siano rispettate le seguenti condizioni ambientali: temperatura: da +5 °C a +45 °C,  umidità relativa: 0 – 90 % (senza condensa).  Per collegare il Sublimation Controller alla pompa utilizzare il cavo specifico fornito come opzione.
  • Seite 17: Controlli Ed Indicatori Del Pannello Frontale Del Sublimation Controller

    Istruzioni per l’uso Controlli ed Indicatori del Pannello Frontale del Sublimation Controller La figura seguente illustra il pannello frontale del Sublimation Controller. Il significato e la funzione dei controlli e degli indicatori è dettagliato nella seguente tabella. Figura 3 Controlli ed Indicatori del Pannello Frontale del Sublimation Controller Rif.
  • Seite 18 Istruzioni per l’uso Rif. Nome del Descrizione del Controllo/Indicatore Controllo/Indicatore ON/OFF Pulsante per la commutazione del modo di funzionamento del controller:  su OFF il è attivo il modo “Impostazione Parametri”  su ON è attivo il modo “Sublimazione”. SUBLIMATION Led blu che indica: ...
  • Seite 19: Pannello Posteriore Del Sublimation Controller

    Istruzioni per l’uso Pannello Posteriore del Sublimation Controller La figura seguente mostra i controlli e le connessioni del pannello posteriore del Sublimation Controller. Figura 4 Pannello Posteriore del Sublimation Controller Connettore per il collegamento del cavo della pompa Connettore RS 232-485 Connettore per segnali di I/O Selettore della tensione di linea Connettore di alimentazione...
  • Seite 20: Procedure Di Uso

    Istruzioni per l’uso Procedure di Uso Procedure di Uso Modi di Funzionamento Il Sublimation Controller può funzionare nei modi MANUAL, AUTOMATIC, REMOTE SET e AUTOMAT/REMOTE. Nei modi MANUAL e AUTOMATIC tutti i comandi sono dati da pannello frontale. Nei modi di funzionamento AUTOMAT/REMOTE e REMOTE SET i comandi sono dati sia tramite segnali sul cavo di I/O sia dal pannello frontale.
  • Seite 21: Accensione Del Sublimation Controller

    Istruzioni per l’uso Procedure di Uso L’unità è predisposta in fabbrica nel seguente modo: NOTA modo di funzionamento MANUAL  tipo di sorgente TSP  corrente di sublimazione 30 A  tempo di sublimazione 1 minuto  periodo di sublimazione 3 minuti ...
  • Seite 22: Manutenzione

    Istruzioni per l’uso Manutenzione Spegnimento del Sublimation Controller Per spegnere il Sublimation Controller si deve procedere come segue: premere il pulsante “SUBLIMATION” del pannello frontale (Led blu spento). portare l’interruttore di alimentazione del pannello posteriore nella posizione “O”. Manutenzione Il Sublimation Controller non richiede alcuna manutenzione. Qualsiasi intervento deve essere eseguito da personale autorizzato.
  • Seite 23: Smaltimento

    Istruzioni per l’uso Smaltimento Smaltimento Significato del logo "WEEE" presente sulle etichette. Il simbolo qui sotto riportato è applicato in ottemperanza alla direttiva CE denominata "WEEE". Questo simbolo (valido solo per i paesi della Comunità Europea) indica che il prodotto sul quale è applicato, NON deve essere smaltito insieme ai comuni rifiuti domestici o industriali, ma deve essere avviato ad un sistema di raccolta differenziata.
  • Seite 24: Messagi Di Errore

    Istruzioni per l’uso Messagi di Errore Messagi di Errore Per certi tipi di guasti il controller esegue una auto-diagnosi e visualizza uno dei messaggi mostrati nella tabella seguente. Tab. 2 Messaggio Descrizione Azione correttiva Frequenza di alimentazione della Spegnere l’unità e Power AC fail rete non corretta.
  • Seite 25 Istruzioni per l’uso Messagi di Errore Messaggio Descrizione Azione correttiva Fault: Sovratemperatura interna del Verificare il carico (pompa e overtem- Controller. La temperatura ambiente è cavo) ed eliminare la causa perature troppo elevata oppure si verifica un del sovraccarico. sovraccarico esterno: la sublimazione Ridurre la temperatura è...
  • Seite 26 Istruzioni per l’uso Messagi di Errore 26/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 27: Gebrauchsanleitung

    TSP Controller User Manual Gebrauchsanleitung Allgemeines Beschreibung des Controllers 29 Lagerung Vor der Installation 31 Installation Gebrauch Schalter und Anzeigen auf der vorderen Schalttafel des Sublimation-Controllers 37 Hintere Schalttafel des Sublimation-Controllers 37 Bedienung Betriebsarten 38 Zuschaltung des Sublimation Controllers 39 Abschaltung des Sublimation Controllers 40 Wartung Entsorgung...
  • Seite 28: Allgemeines

    Gebrauchsanleitung Allgemeines Allgemeines Dieser Apparat ist für Fachbetriebe bestimmt. Vor Gebrauch sollte der Benutzer dieses Handbuch sowie alle weiteren von Agilent mitgelieferten Zusatzdokumentationen genau lesen. Bei Nichtbeachtung - auch teilweise - der enthaltenen Hinweise, unsachgemässem Gebrauch durch ungeschultes Personal, nicht autorisierten Eingriffen und Missachtung der einheimischen, hier zur Geltung kommenden Bestimmungen übernimmt die Firma Agilent keinerlei Haftung.
  • Seite 29: Beschreibung Des Controllers

    Tab. 1 Bezeichnung Best.-Nr. Grundeinheit Sublimation-Controller, voreingestellt für 929-0033 Versorgungsspannung 220 V Ws Sublimation-Controller, voreingestellt für 929-0032 Versorgungsspannung 110 V Ws Zubehör Kabel für Pumpe TSP 924-0730 Kabel für Pumpe Mini Ti-Ball 924-0752 Der Sublimation-Controller kann zur Steuerung von Sublimationspumpen aus Titan (TSP) oder Pumpen der Baureihe Mini Ti-Ball eingesetzt werden.
  • Seite 30: Lagerung

    Gebrauchsanleitung Lagerung Lagerung Beim Transport und bei der Lagerung des Controllers müssen folgende klimatischen Verhältnisse eingehalten werden: Temperatur: -20 °C bis +70 °C  Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit: 0 – 95 % (nicht kondensierend)  30/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 31: Vor Der Installation

    Versorgungsspannungen ausgelegt: Modell 929-0033 für 220 V Ws (Eingangsspannung von 190 bis  230 V Ws); Modell 929-0032 für 120 V Ws (Eingangsspannung von 110 bis  130 V Ws). Soll die Versorgungsspannung geändert werden, so gehen Sie wie folgt vor:...
  • Seite 32 Gebrauchsanleitung Vor der Installation Schalten Sie den Sublimation Controller aus und ziehen Sie das Netzkabel aus dem Controller Stellen Sie den Spannungswechsler auf der hinteren Schalttafel in die gewünschte Position. Sollte die Vorsorgungsspannung von 100-120 V Ws auf 220-240 V Ws oder VORSICHT! umgekehrt geändert werden, MÜSSEN IN JEDEM FALL auch die Sicherungen und das Netzkabel entsprechend ausgetauscht werden.
  • Seite 33: Installation

    Gebrauchsanleitung Installation Installation WARNUNG! Der Sublimation-Controller wird mit einem Netzkabel mit 3 Leitern und mit einem den internationalen Normen entsprechenden Netzstecker geliefert. Es sollte immer dieses Netzkabel benutzt werden, das an eine vorschriftsmässig geerdete Steckdose anzuschliessen ist, um Stromentladungen zu vermeiden. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass das Gerät vorschriftsmässig geerdet ist.
  • Seite 34: Gebrauch

    Gebrauchsanleitung Gebrauch Während des Betriebs müssen folgende Umgebungsbedingungen eingehalten werden: Temperatur: von +0 °C bis +45 °C;  Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit: 0 – 95 % (nicht kondensierend).  Für den Anschluss des Sublimation-Controllers an die Pumpe muss das zum Controller gehörende Kabel benutzt werden. Detailliertere Hinweise zu weiteren Anschlussarten sowie zum Einsatz der Zusatzkarte finden Sie im Anhang "Technical Information".
  • Seite 35: Schalter Und Anzeigen Auf Der Vorderen Schalttafel Des Sublimation-Controllers

    Gebrauchsanleitung Gebrauch Schalter und Anzeigen auf der vorderen Schalttafel des Sublimation-Controllers Nachstehend wird die vordere Schalttafel des Sublimation- Controllers gezeigt. Die jeweilige Bedeutung und Funktion der Schalter und Anzeigen wird in der nachstehenden Tabelle beschrieben. Abbildung 3 Schalter und Anzeigen auf der vorderen Schalttafel des Sublimation-Controllers Pos.
  • Seite 36 Gebrauchsanleitung Gebrauch Pos. Bezeichnung Funktion des Schalters / der Anzeige des Schalters /der Anzeige ON/OFF Druckschalter zur Umschaltung der Betriebsart des Controllers:  OFF: Betriebsart “Parametereingabe” aktiv  ON: Betriebsart “Sublimationszyklus” aktiv SUBLIMATION Bedeutung des blaue LEDs:  Aufleuchten: Anzeige der Wartezeit zwischen 2 Sublimationen oder der Phase des Stromanstiegs ...
  • Seite 37: Hintere Schalttafel Des Sublimation-Controllers

    Gebrauchsanleitung Gebrauch Hintere Schalttafel des Sublimation-Controllers Die nebenstehende Abbildung zeigt die Schalter und Anschluss- stellen der hinteren Schalttafel des Sublimation-Controllers. Abbildung 4 Hintere Schalttafel des Sublimation-Controllers Steckverbindung zum Anschluss des Pumpenkabels Steckverbindung RS232-485 Steckverbindung zum Anschluss der E/A-Signale Spannungsschalter Netzkabelanschluss Sicherungen Netzschalter: aufblinkend: EIN, nicht aufblinkend: AUS TSP Controller User Manual...
  • Seite 38: Bedienung

    Gebrauchsanleitung Bedienung Bedienung Betriebsarten Der Sublimation-Controller kann in den Betriebsarten MANUAL, AUTOMATISCH, AUTOMATISCH / FERNGESTEUERT und FERNGESTEUERT SET (voreingestellt) betrieben werden. In den Betriebsarten MANUAL und AUTOMATISCH werden die Steuerbefehle über die frontale Schalttafel des Controllers eingegeben; in den Betriebsarten AUTOMATISCH / FERNGESTEUERT und FERNGESTEUERT SET dagegen werden bestimmte Steuerbefehle über die frontale Schalttafel des Controllers eingegeben und andere über einen Verbindungsstecker und E/A-...
  • Seite 39: Zuschaltung Des Sublimation Controllers

    Gebrauchsanleitung Bedienung Wenn der Sublimation Controller mit TSP-Pumpen verwendet wird, muss die Betriebsart TSP selektioniert werden. Wird der Sublimation Controller dagegen mit einer Mini Ti-Ball-Pumpe verwendet, so muss die Betriebsart Mini Ti-Ball eingestellt werden. Der Controller ist werkseitig wie folgt eingestellt: HINWEIS Bedienungsart MANUAL;...
  • Seite 40: Wartung

    Gebrauchsanleitung Wartung Abschaltung des Sublimation Controllers Gehen Sie zur Abschaltung des Sublimation Controllers wie folgt vor: Drücken Sie die "SUBLIMATION"-Taste auf der vorderen Schalttafel (blaues LED erlischt). Stellen Sie den auf der hinteren Schalttafel präsenten Netzschalter” auf “0”. Wartung Der Sublimation Controller ist wartungsfrei. Eventuell erforderliche Eingriffe müssen von dazu befugtem Fachpersonal ausgeführt werden.
  • Seite 41: Entsorgung

    Gebrauchsanleitung Entsorgung Entsorgung Bedeutung des "WEEE" Logos auf den Etiketten. Das folgende Symbol ist in Übereinstimmung mit der EU-Richtlinie WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) angebracht. Dieses Symbol (nur in den EU-Ländern gültig) zeigt an, dass das betreffende Produkt nicht zusammen mit Haushaltsmüll entsorgt werden darf sondern einem speziellen Sammelsystem zugeführt werden muss.
  • Seite 42: Störungsmeldungen

    Gebrauchsanleitung Störungsmeldungen Störungsmeldungen In einigen Störungsfällen zeigt das Selbstdiagnosesystem des Controllers die in der nachstehenden Tabelle zusammengefassten Meldungen an. Tab. 2 Meldung Beschreibung Störungsbehebung Power AC Falsche Netzfrequenz Schalten Sie das Gerät AUS, fail überprüfen Sie die Stromversorgung und die richtige Einstellung des Spannungsschalters.
  • Seite 43: Mode D'emploi

    TSP Controller User Manual Mode d’emploi Indications Description du 45 Emmagasinage 46 Préparation pour l’Installation 47 Installation Utilisation Commandes et Voyants du Tableau Frontal du Sublimation Controller Tableau Dorsal du Sublimation Controller Procédures d'Utilisation 54 Modes de Fonctionnement Mise sous Tension du Sublimation Controller 55 Mise Hors Tension du Sublimation Controller 56 Entretien Mise au Rebut...
  • Seite 44: Indications Generales

    Mode d’emploi Indications Générales Indications Générales Cet appareillage a été conçu en vue d'une utilisation professionnelle. Il est conseillé à l'utilisateur de lire attentivement cette notice d'instructions ainsi que toute autre indication supplémentaire fournie par Agilent, avant l'utilisation de l'appareil. Agilent décline par conséquent toute responsabilité...
  • Seite 45: Description Du Controleur

    Num. de l'élément Unité de Base Sublimation Controller prééquipé pour 929-0033 une tension d'alimentation de 220 Vac Sublimation Controller prééquipé pour 929-0032 une tension d'alimentation de 110 Vac Accessoires Câble pour pompe TSP 924-0730 Câble pour pompe Mini Ti-Ball 924-0752 Le Sublimation Controller peut commander une pompe du type à...
  • Seite 46: Emmagasinage

    Mode d’emploi Emmagasinage Emmagasinage Pendant le transport et l'emmagasinage du contrôleur, il faudra veiller à respecter les conditions environnementales suivantes: température: de -20 °C à +70 °C  humidité relative: de 0 % à 95 % (non condensante).  46/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 47: Preparation Pour L'installation

    Le Sublimation Controller est prééquipé en usine pour les tensions d'alimentation suivantes: modèle 929-0033 pour 220 Vac (tension d'entrée de 190 à  230 Vac) modèle 929-0032 pour 120 Vac (tension d'entrée de 110 à  130 Vac). TSP Controller User Manual 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 48 Mode d’emploi Préparation pour l’Installation S'il s'avère nécessaire de changer la tension d'alimentation, procéder comme suit: Couper l'alimentation du Sublimation Controller et débrancher le câble d'alimentation du Controller. À l’arrière du panneau, faire glisser le sélecteur vers la position voulue. Si la sélection de la tension d'entrée est portée de 100-120 Vac à...
  • Seite 49: Installation

    Mode d’emploi Installation Installation AVERTISSEMENT! Le Sublimation Controller est muni d'un câble d'alimentation à 3 fils, avec une fiche de sécurité (approuvée au niveau international). Utiliser ce câble d'alimentation et cette fiche avec une prise munie de connexion à la terre, afin d'éviter tout risque d'électrocution.
  • Seite 50: Utilisation

    Mode d’emploi Utilisation Pendant le fonctionnement, il est nécessaire de respecter les conditions d’environnement suivantes: température: de +5 °C à + 45 °C  humidité relative: de 0 % à 95 % (non condensante).  Pour relier le Sublimation Controller à la pompe, utiliser le câble spécifique fourni en option.
  • Seite 51 Mode d’emploi Utilisation Commandes et Voyants du Tableau Frontal du Sublimation Controller La figure ci-dessous représente le tableau frontal du Sublimation Controller. La signification et la fonction des commandes et des voyants sont indiquées dans le tableau de la page suivante. Figure 3 Commandes et Voyants du Tableau Frontal du Sublimation Controller Réf.
  • Seite 52 Mode d’emploi Utilisation Réf. Nom de la Commande/ Description de la Commande/du Voyant du Voyant pompe est coupé. SELECT Touche de sélection manuelle de l'un des trois filaments de la pompe TSP ON/OFF Bouton de commutation de mode de fonctionnement du contrôleur: ...
  • Seite 53 Mode d’emploi Utilisation Tableau Dorsal du Sublimation Controller La figure suivante indique les commandes et les connexions du tableau dorsal du Sublimation Controller. Figure 4 Tableau Dorsal du Sublimation Controller Connecteur pour branchement câble pompe Connecteur RS 232-485 Connecteur de signaux d'E/S Sélecteur tension réseau Connecteur d'alimentation Fusibles de protection...
  • Seite 54: Procedures D'utilisation

    Mode d’emploi Procédures d'Utilisation Procédures d'Utilisation Modes de Fonctionnement Le Sublimation Controller peut fonctionner dans les modes MANUAL, AUTOMATIC, REMOTE SET et AUTOMAT /REMOTE. Dans les modes MANUAL et AUTOMATIC, toutes les commandes sont données par tableau frontal. Dans les modes de fonctionnement AUTOMAT/REMOTE et REMOTE SET, les commandes sont données soit par des signaux sur le câble d'E/S soit par le tableau frontal.
  • Seite 55: Mise Sous Tension Du Sublimation Controller

    Mode d’emploi Procédures d'Utilisation L'unité est prééquipée en usine de la façon suivante: NOTE mode de fonctionnement MANUAL  type de source TSP  courant de sublimation: 30 A  temps de sublimation: 1 minute  période de sublimation: 3 minutes ...
  • Seite 56: Entretien

    Mode d’emploi Entretien Mise Hors Tension du Sublimation Controller Pour mettre le Sublimation Controller hors tension, procéder comme suit: presser l'interrupteur "SUBLIMATION" du tableau frontal (voyant bleu éteint) mettre l'interrupteur d'alimentation du tableau frontal dans la position "O". Entretien Le Sublimation Controller n'exige aucun entretien. Toute opération doit être effectuée par un personnel agréé.
  • Seite 57: Mise Au Rebut

    Mode d’emploi Mise au Rebut Mise au Rebut Signification du logo "WEEE" figurant sur les étiquettes. Le symbole ci-dessous est appliqué conformément à la directive CE nommée "WEEE". Ce symbole (uniquement valide pour les pays de la Communauté européenne) indique que le produit sur lequel il est appliqué NE doit PAS être mis au rebut avec les ordures ménagères ou les déchets industriels ordinaires, mais passer par un système de collecte sélective.
  • Seite 58: Messages D'erreur

    Mode d’emploi Messages d‘erreur Messages d‘erreur Dans certains cas de panne, le contrôleur procède à un autodiagnostic et affiche l'un des messages indiqués dans le tableau ci-dessous: Tab. 2 Message Description Intervention Power Fréquence puissance réseau Éteindre l’appareil et contrôler AC fail incorrecte.
  • Seite 59: Instructions For Use

    TSP Controller User Manual Instructions for Use General Information Controller Description Storage Preparation for Installation 63 Installation Sublimation Controller Front Panel Controls and Indicators 71 Sublimation Controller Rear Panel Operating Procedures Operating Modes Sublimation Controller Switching ON 71 Sublimation Controller Switching OFF 72 Maintenance Disposal 73 Error Messages 74...
  • Seite 60: General Information

    Instructions for Use General Information General Information This equipment is destined for use by professionals. The user should read this instruction manual and any other additional information supplied by Agilent before operating the equipment. Agilent will not be held responsible for any events occurring due to non-compliance, even partial, with these instructions, improper use by untrained persons, non-authorised interference with the equipment or any action contrary to that provided for by specific national standards.
  • Seite 61: Controller Description

    Description Part number Base Unit Sublimation Controller set for 220 Vac input voltage 929-0033 Sublimation Controller set for 110 Vac input voltage 929-0032 Accessories Cable for TSP pump 924-0730 Cable for Mini Ti-Ball pump 924-0752 The Sublimation Controller can control a TSP or a Mini Ti-Ball pump type.
  • Seite 62: Storage

    Instructions for Use Storage Storage When transporting and storing the controller, the following environmental requirements should not be exceeded: temperature: from -20 °C to +70 °C  relative humidity: 0 – 95 % (non-condensing)  62/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 63: Preparation For Installation

    The Sublimation Controller is factory set for follows input voltages: model 929-0033 set to 220 Vac (input voltage 190 to 230 Vac).  model 929-0032 set to 120 Vac (input voltage 110 to 130 Vac).  If a change in line voltage operation is desired, proceed as follows;...
  • Seite 64 Instructions for Use Preparation for Installation Switch off the Sublimation Controller and unplug the power cord from the controller. On the rear panel slide the voltage selector till the desired position. If the line voltage pass from 220-240 Vac to 100-120 Vac, or viceversa, the power CAUTION! cord and the fuses MUST be changed also.
  • Seite 65: Installation

    Instructions for Use Installation Installation The Sublimation Controller is equipped with a 3-wire power cord and plug WARNING! (internationally approved) for user’s safety. Use this power cord and plug in conjunction with a properly grounded power socket to avoid electrical shock. Verify that the ground connections are properly connected.
  • Seite 66: Use

    Instructions for Use This paragraph describes the fundamental operating procedures. Detailed information and operating procedures that involve optional connections or options are supplied in the paragraph “USE” of the appendix “Technical Information”. Make all electrical connections of the controller and the pump prior to operating the controller.
  • Seite 67 Instructions for Use Sublimation Controller Front Panel Controls and Indicators The Sublimation Controller front panel is shown in the following figure. The control and indicator meanings and functions are detailed in the following table. Figure 3 Sublimation Controller front panel controls Ref.
  • Seite 68 Instructions for Use Ref. Control/Indicator Control/Indicator Description Name ON/OFF Key for controller operating mode selection:  OFF when “Parameters Setting” mode is activated;  ON when “Sublimation” is activated. SUBLIMATION Blue LED that show:  if ON, that controller status is in waiting time between two sublimation or during current leading edge;...
  • Seite 69 Instructions for Use Sublimation Controller Rear Panel The following figure shows the controls and the connections of the Sublimation Controller rear panel. Figure 4 Sublimation Controller rear panel Connector to plug the pump cable RS 232-485 connector I/O signals connector Line voltage selector Power cord socket Protection fuses...
  • Seite 70: Operating Procedures

    Instructions for Use Operating Procedures Operating Procedures Operating Modes The Sublimation Controller can be operated in the MANUAL, AUTOMATIC, REMOTE SET and AUTOMAT/REMOTE mode. In MANUAL and AUTOMATIC modes all the controls are given on front panel. In AUTOMAT/REMOTE and REMOTE SET, the controls are given via signals coming through the I/O cable.
  • Seite 71: Sublimation Controller Front Panel Controls And Indicators

    Instructions for Use Operating Procedures The unit is factory set as follows: NOTE MANUAL operating mode  TSP source type  sublimation current 30 A  sublimation time 1 minute  sublimation period 3 minutes  pressure threshold 1x10 mbar ...
  • Seite 72: Maintenance

    Instructions for Use Maintenance Sublimation Controller Switching OFF To switch OFF the Sublimation Controller , proceed as follows: push the “SUBLIMATION” key located on the front panel (blue LED extinguished) switch the power switch located on the rear panel to the “O” position.
  • Seite 73: Disposal

    Instructions for Use Disposal Disposal Meaning of the "WEEE" logo found in labels The following symbol is applied in accordance with the EC WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive. This symbol (valid only in countries of the European Community) indicates that the product it applies to must NOT be disposed of together with ordinary domestic or industrial waste but must be sent to a differentiated waste collection system.
  • Seite 74: Error Messages

    Instructions for Use Error Messages Error Messages For a certain type of failure, the controller will self-diagnose the error and the messages described in the following table will be displayed. Tab. 2 Message Description Repair Action Power AC fail Incorrect mains power frequency. Switch OFF the unit then check the mains power and the correct setting of the...
  • Seite 75: Technical Information

    Technical Information Error Messages Technical Information Technical Information Sublimation Controller Description 77 Sublimation Controller Specification Sublimation Controller Outline 80 Pump Connection (J6 connector) Remote I/O Connection (P5 connector) 82 Serial Port (J2 connector) 83 Serial Cable Installation Use 86 Sublimation Controller Configuration Operating Mode Selection 93 Sublimation Parameters Setting Parameters Values...
  • Seite 76 Technical Information Error Messages Letter Protocol Description 107 Communication Format Communication Protocol 107 Example of TSP Messages Window Protocol Description 113 Window-Meanings 118 Orderable parts 121 Original Instructions 76/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 77: Sublimation Controller Description

    Sublimation Controller Description Sublimation Controller Description The Sublimation Controller base is available in two versions which differ only in the factory set input voltage. Model 929-0032 set for 120 Vac 60 Hz  Model 929-0033 set for 220 Vac 50 Hz ...
  • Seite 78 Technical Information Sublimation Controller Description The controller converts mains voltage supply into a single-phase, low voltage, high current output which is required to power the pump. The controller can be operated by a remote hostcomputer via the serial connection. The microcontroller generates the variable output current and controls it according to the user settings and the pump status (cartridge depletion).
  • Seite 79: Sublimation Controller Specification

    Internal use only Installation category Pollution degree Power cable 3 meters long  3 wires Ø AWG14, NEMA plug (only for model 929-0032)  3 wires Ø 0.75 mm European plug (only for model 929-0033) Weight 12 Kg (26.5 lbs)
  • Seite 80: Sublimation Controller Outline

    Technical Information Sublimation Controller Outline Sublimation Controller Outline The outline dimensions for the Sublimation Controller base unit are shown in the following figure. Figure 6 Sublimation Controller outline 80/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 81: Pump Connection (J6 Connector)

    Technical Information Sublimation Controller Outline Leave at least 30 mm (1.2 inches) of free air circulation on top and bottom of NOTE the unit for an efficient cooling of the unit. Blind the unused slots on rear panel with the provided covers. Controller Interconnections Pump Connection (J6 connector) The pump is connected to the controller rear panel via “LOAD”...
  • Seite 82: Remote I/O Connection (P5 Connector)

    Technical Information Sublimation Controller Outline Remote I/O Connection (P5 connector) An external analogue unit can be connected to the I/O connector to set some sublimation parameters and receive feedback from the field. It is a 9-pins Male D type connector. The pin layout is shown in the following figure.
  • Seite 83: Serial Port (J2 Connector)

    Technical Information Sublimation Controller Outline Without the interlock connection the controller cannot operate. If the controller NOTE is not connected with a remote unit the tap furnished with the controller must be used. If the controller is connected with a remote unit the interlock must be correctly connected as described.
  • Seite 84: Serial Cable Installation

    Technical Information Sublimation Controller Outline Serial Cable Installation A serial cable must be installed when the Sublimation Controller has to be controlled by means of a remote personal computer. The cable is installed fixing the 9 pin D-type Male connector into the J2 serial port connector.
  • Seite 85 Technical Information Sublimation Controller Outline The communication port mating connector is supplied with the unit. See the host computer's instruction manual for further details on serial port connections. The following picture shows the right procedure to connect a cable to the I/O or to the serial port connector.
  • Seite 86: Use

    Technical Information There are three different type of settings that can be selected: configuration of the Sublimation Controller operating mode selection parameters settings. The unit is factory set for: NOTE  MANUAL mode operation  source TSP  sublimation current 30 A ...
  • Seite 87 Technical Information At the first Power ON cycle, the Sublimation Controller enters automatically in NOTE the Sublimation Controller Configuration menu. The display shows: Press SET to enter in the choice menu. The display shows one of the following messages, depending on the actual configuration stored in the unit: Press ▲...
  • Seite 88 Technical Information In any configuration menu it is possible to come back at the upper menu, NOTE without storing any modifications, by pressing the MODE key. Selecting the options AWG 6 or AWG 8, the unit shows: Press ▲ or ▼ to set the pump cable length from 3 to 50 m, then press SET to confirm the choice.
  • Seite 89 Technical Information Then press SET to enter in the menu. The display shows: Press▲ or ▼ to to change the source type from TSP to Mini Ti-Ball, and the display shows: Press SET to confirm the choice. The controller stores the setting and the display returns to show: When the configuration is concluded press MODE to exit the Sublimation Controller Configuration menu.
  • Seite 90 Technical Information The controller freezes and must be shut down. If the check has a positive result, the display shows, for a few seconds: Then the display shows one of the following messages, depending on the source type previously selected: ...
  • Seite 91 Technical Information Operating Mode Settings This menu allows to set the following parameters: Sublimation Autostart (enables/disables the automatic restart of  sublimation after a shut down). Filament Recover: (enables/disables the automatic filament  switch-over in consequence of a Filament Defective fail). To enable the Operating Mode Settings menu press simultaneously the MODE and SET keys on the front panel.
  • Seite 92 Technical Information The factory setting is AUTOMATIC, that enables the automatic change of the TSP filament in case of fault (if possible). This configuration can be changed on MANUAL by pressing the ▲ or ▼ key. In this case the display shows: ...
  • Seite 93: Operating Mode Selection

    Technical Information Where XXXX is the speed of communication expressed in Baud. This configuration can be changed by pressing the ▲ or ▼ keys selecting a value from the following values: 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400. To confirm the choice and close the menu press SET key. The display returns to the previous message: ...
  • Seite 94 Technical Information In this operating mode only the sublimation current value and the pressure threshold are set by means of the control panel. The sublimation occurs when the pressure threshold is reached (analog input on pin 2 of the I/O connector, range 0 to 5 Vdc). If the ▼...
  • Seite 95: Sublimation Parameters Setting

    Technical Information To select the desired operating mode press the SET key. The controller comes back to the normal operating mode and the display shows one of the following messages, depending on the source type selected.   The message MAN at the end of the second row can be different. It depends of the operating mode selected: in mode AUTOMATIC the message become AUT ...
  • Seite 96 Technical Information When the desired parameter is displayed, the value can be changed as follows: press the SET key press ▲ key to increase the value or ▼ key to decrease the value press SET key to confirm the choice or MODE key to escape without changing the value.
  • Seite 97 Technical Information During the sublimation period setting the display shows:  Where XX is the value currently set and YYYYY is the unit used (minutes or hours). The possible selectable values, by means of the ▼ or ▲ keys, range from 3 minutes to 32 hours (for intermediate values refer to “Parameters Values”).
  • Seite 98 Technical Information Selection in AUTOMATIC Operating Mode In this operating mode the possible selection on the front panel are: sublimation time  sublimation current value  pressure threshold.  For the time and current value the possible settings and the messages displayed are the same shown for the MANUAL operating mode, excepted for the script AUT in place of MAN at the end of the second row.
  • Seite 99: Parameters Values

    Technical Information For these parameters the possible settings and the messages displayed are the same shown for the MANUAL and AUTOMATIC operating mode, excepted for the script A/R in place of MAN at the end of the second row. Parameters Values In the following table are indicated the different possible values for each sublimation parameter.
  • Seite 100 Technical Information   Then press the SUBLIMATION key. The relevant Led will be turned on and the display shows:  Pressing the ▼ or ▲ keys the display shows:  Press SET key to confirm the start or any other key to escape. After the start time, during the current ramp the display shows: Where XX.X are the currently value used.
  • Seite 101: Operation In Manual Mode

    Technical Information Where XX.X are the currently value used and XX:XX:XX is the sublimation time expressed in hours, minutes and seconds format. Between sublimations, the display shows the remaining time before next sublimation and the period set for the sublimation, as follows: Where XX are the current value.
  • Seite 102: Operation In Automatic Mode

    Technical Information The Sublimation Controller escape automatically from the current setting before NOTE 30 second, if no selection are made, and return to sublimation operation. Operation in AUTOMATIC Mode After the start confirmation (by press SET key at the message “SUBLIMATION START ? YES”) the sublimation begin when the pressure measured (incoming to the I/O connector) reach the pressure threshold set.
  • Seite 103: Operation In Automat/Remote Mode

    Technical Information Sublimation Timing Operation in AUTOMAT/REMOTE Mode The operation is the same as previously described for AUTOMATIC operation, but the current depends on the signal incoming to the I/O connector. The display shows:  To end sublimation, press the SUBLIMATION key and the relevant Led is turned off.
  • Seite 104 Technical Information Operational Flow-Chart Figure 12 Sublimation Timing in MANUAL and REMOTE SET operating mode Figure 13 Sublimation Timing in AUTOMATIC and AUTOMAT/ REMOTE operating mode 104/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 105: Front Panel Leds Meaning

    Technical Information Front Panel Leds Meaning Front Panel Leds Meaning The controller front panel is equipped with some LEDs that explain the unit status. TSP FILAMENT (3 LEDs) LED Filament Blinking with the controller configured in  RECOVER MANUAL = filament active but defective; with the controller configured in RECOVER AUTOMATIC = filament not active but detected defective.
  • Seite 106: Serial Communication Protocol

    Technical Information Serial Communication Protocol Serial Communication Protocol Serial Communication Description This unit can comunicate by two different protocol: protocol (old system) “letter”  “Window” protocol (new system)  These two protocols can be used as well with 232 or 485 media. Please use “Window”...
  • Seite 107: Letter Protocol Description

    Technical Information Letter Protocol Description Letter Protocol Description Communication Format 8 data bit  no parity  1 stop bit  baud rate: 600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400  programmable Communication Protocol Master/Slave type with host computer Master and Controller  Slave Maximum peripheral number: 32 (only for RS 485 protocol) ...
  • Seite 108 Technical Information Letter Protocol Description where: 0x80+peripheral address (from 0x1 to 0x20). An invalid  <ADR>: address set the unit as unit 1. data field length. It is encoded in decimal with two  <LDAT>: character (from 00 to 99). variable length field according to the command type, ...
  • Seite 109 Technical Information Letter Protocol Description The addressed slave unit will respond with an Answer whose structure depends from the received Message when the has a wrong CRC, or an unavailable address,  Message or an incorrect field length/data type, or an unknown command, will not contain any character;...
  • Seite 110 Technical Information Letter Protocol Description Tab. 6 COMMAND DESCRIPTION DATA TYPE READ/WRITE ADMITTED VALUES Autostart Logic 0 = YES 1 = NO 0 = 600 Baud rate Numeric 1 = 1200 2 = 2400 3 = 4800 4 = 9600 5 = 19200 6 = 38400 Input current reading...
  • Seite 111 Technical Information Letter Protocol Description COMMAND DESCRIPTION DATA TYPE READ/WRITE ADMITTED VALUES Sublimation current Numeric 300 = 30 A (measurement unit: 0,1 A; 305 = 30,5 A this value is rounded to 0,5 ..495 = 49,5 A 500 = 50 A Sublimation period Numeric = 3 minutes...
  • Seite 112: Example Of Tsp Messages

    Technical Information Letter Protocol Description Example of TSP Messages Tab. 7 ADD. TYPE VALUE MESSAGE RESPONCE COMMENT Reads 81 30 32 52 JF 6E 01 30 32 52 J0 61 Recover 0 2 R ? 0 2 R 0 status (value = 1) Writes 81 30 32 52 31 60...
  • Seite 113: Window Protocol Description

    Technical Information Window Protocol Description Window Protocol Description Communication Format 8 data bit  no parity  1 stop bit  baud rate: 600/1200/2400/4800/9600/19200/38400  programmable Communication Protocol The communication protocol is a MASTER/SLAVE type where: Host = MASTER  Controller = SLAVE ...
  • Seite 114 Technical Information Window Protocol Description <STX> (Start of transmission) = 0x02  <ADDR> (Unit address) = 0x80 (for RS 232)  <ADDR> (Unit address) = 0x80 + device number (0 to 31) (for RS 485) <WIN> (Window) = a string of 3 numeric character indicating the ...
  • Seite 115 Technical Information Window Protocol Description Using the RS 485 interface, the message structure remains identical to the one NOTE used for the RS 232 interface, the only difference being that the value assigned to the ADDRESS <ADDR>. The controller can answers with the following response types: Tab.
  • Seite 116 Technical Information Window Protocol Description Examples: Command: START Source: PC Destination: Controller ADDR WINDOW Source: Controller Destination: PC ADDR Command: STOP Source: PC Destination: Controller ADDR WINDOW Source: Controller Destination: PC ADDR 116/127 TSP Controller User Manual / 87-900-138-01...
  • Seite 117 Technical Information Window Protocol Description Command: READ CONTROLLER STATUS Source: PC Destination: Controller (with address = 3) ADDR WINDOW Source: Controller (with address = 3 in stop status) Destination: PC ADDR WINDOW DATA (STATUS) Command: READ SERIAL TYPE Source: PC Destination: Controller (with address = 3 in 485 mode) ADDR WINDOW...
  • Seite 118: Window-Meanings

    Technical Information Window Protocol Description Window-Meanings Tab. 10 Read/ Data Description Admitted Values Write Type Remote Local=2 Serial = 0 (default), Serial or Local configuration (default = 0) Start/Stop Start = 1 Stop = 0 600 = 0 Baud rate 1200 = 1 2400 = 2 4800 = 3...
  • Seite 119 Technical Information Window Protocol Description Read/ Data Description Admitted Values Write Type Program Listing CRC Boot Loader CRC Parameter Listing Parameter Structure Program Listing Code & Revision Parameter Listing Code & Revision Modification level Serial number CPU RS 485 address 0 to 31 (default = 0) Serial type select...
  • Seite 120 Technical Information Window Protocol Description Read/ Data Description Admitted Values Write Type (default = 300) Sublimation period 0 = continuous (measurement unit: 0,1 30 = 3 minutes min.) 100 = 10 minutes 300 = 30 minutes 600 = 1 hour 1200 = 2 hours 2400 = 4 hours 48000 = 8 hours...
  • Seite 121: Orderable Parts

    Technical Information Orderable parts Orderable parts The Sublimation Controller spare parts are listed in the following table. Tab. 11 Description Part number Accessories Rack Adapter 929-0064 Cables Cable for TSP pump 924-0730 Cable for Mini Ti-Ball pump 924-0752 TSP Controller User Manual 87-900-138-01 121/127...
  • Seite 122 Orderable parts...
  • Seite 127 Request for Return Form Sales and Service Offices United States India Southeast Asia Agilent Technologies Agilent Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. Agilent Technologies Sales Sdn Bhd Vacuum Products Division Vacuum Products Division Vacuum Products Division 121 Hartwell Avenue G01. Prime corporate Park, Unit 201, Level 2 uptown 2, Lexington, MA 02421 - USA Tel.: +1 781...