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Parameterization String - Pepperl+Fuchs FD0-BI-Ex12.PA Betriebsanleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Configuration of the PROFIBUS Master
In order to establish a communication with a PROFIBUS field device, the field device
must be designed in the PROFIBUS Master. To do so, select for each of the twelve
channels a text description (identifier) of the data to be exchanged with the field device
from the GSD file of the field device. The GSD file is provided on the enclosed data car-
rier, or is available at the Pepperl+Fuchs homepage (www.pepperl-fuchs.com) or the
PROFIBUS user organization (www.profibus.com). It is also possible to directly put in
the identifier bytes.
For the sensor interface FD0-BI-Ex12.PA two identifiers are possible:
• The empty module (EMPTY_MODULE, identifier 00
the chosen channel will not be used, no data will be transferred during the cyclic ex-
change of user data.
• The data module (OUT_D, identifier 91
bytes are transferred by means of the variable OUT_D for this channel at the PROFI-
BUS (data from the field device to the Master).
Hereby, the first four modules are assigned for the vibrating forks 1 to 4, the modules
5 to 12 are assigned for the sensors 1 to 8.
The information about the length and structure of the diagnosis are listed
in the GSD, but they are not supported by the device.

Parameterization String

As another function a check of lead break and/or short circuit could be activated for
each individual module (factory setting: deactivated for all modules). The adjustment
is performed either by selecting the respective texts (this is mostly possible during as-
signing the modules), or by means of a parameterization string, which is structured as
The first three bytes have got the content 0. Afterwards there is one byte to configure
the settling time for all modules and the lead break / short circuit settings for the first
module. The configuration byte will be separated into high and low nibble.
Thereby the low nibble contains the LB/SC setting and the high nibble the settling time.
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances.
Pepperl+Fuchs Group • Tel.: Germany +49-621-776-0 • USA +1-330-4253555 • Singapore +65-67-799091 • Internet www.pepperl-fuchs.com
Instruction Manual
). If this identifier is selected,
). If this identifier is selected, two data
Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany


