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General-purpose pre-amplifier input (AUX is short for
AUXILIARY input), for connecting high-level signal
The balance in volume level between the right-hand and
left-hand channels. Altering the balance shifts the stereo
centre, e.g. where speakers cannot be arranged sym-
To avoid any negative influence on the sound, the range
of the balance control is restricted to +0.6 dB and –8 dB.
Buffer amplifier
A buffer amplifier is used to provide an optimum match
between the pre-amplifier and any source devices with a
high-impedance output. However, they do represent an
additional stage in the signal path. High-quality Hi-Fi units
with a low-impedance output (<100 ) do not require
such impedance matching. This applies to all 
source devices.
Cable Network
When the receiver's tuner section was being developed
the requirements of the European cable network were
given high priority. The tuner copes very well with exces-
sive signal levels, and its high selectivity avoids many of
the problems involved with cable operation, without any
reduction in reproduction quality.
The unit of measurement for electrical levels is the deci
Bel (dB).
Field strength
The electrical field strength is a measurement of the level
(strength) of the radio signal supplied by the antenna. In
general terms, the higher the field strength of the tuned
station, the better the reception quality.
Signal field strength is determined primarily by the fol-
lowing factors:
1. Distance from radio transmitter
2. Obstacles (mountains etc.) between transmitter and
3. Transmitter output power
4. Quality and direction of the receiver antenna system.
Point 4 is of crucial importance here. It is impossible to
obtain good reception with a poor aerial system. Your
specialist  dealer will be glad to advise you on the
subject of installing or improving your aerial system,
taking your specific local reception conditions into


The shortest possible signal paths within the unit are
obtained by setting it to FLAT mode. In this mode all sub-
assemblies which are not absolutely essential (e.g. the
tone controls) are by-passed by means of high-quality
gold-contact relays, and the unit's frequency response
and phase are then absolutely linear. This simply means
that the FLAT setting provides the highest possible
fidelity and optimum sound reproduction. If the tone con-
trols are in the centre position in any case, it is always
best to select FLAT mode.
FM = Frequency Modulation
All VHF radio transmitters use the 'FM' method of
modulation. This technology provides maximum possible
sound quality and interference suppression.
A volume-dependent tone control (Loudness) circuit
which compensates for the frequency-dependent sensiti-
vity of the human ear at very low volume levels. At very
high volumes the loudness circuit has absolutely no
effect, but as volume is reduced the bass and upper
treble are lifted, in order to compensate for the reduction
in sensitivity of the human auditory system at low levels.
Some analogue disc players are fitted with a dynamic
pickup system of the MC (Moving Coil) type. The receiver
can be fitted with an optional high-quality MC phono pre-
amplifier module, whose input impedance and input sen-
sitivity can be fine-tuned to match all current dynamic
pickup systems. We suggest to use the external PH 2000
MC pre-amplifier, which can be installed directly adjacent
to the turntable, keeping connection leads as short as
possible and so giving the best possible surpression of
interference signals.
Some analogue disc players are fitted with a magnetic
pickup system of the MM (Moving Magnet) type. The
receiver can be fitted with an optional high-quality MM
phono pre-amplifier module, whose input capacitance
and input sensitivity can be fine-tuned to match all cur-
rent magnetic pickup systems.
MUTING = Hiss suppression
The receiver features automatic hiss suppression which
cuts out the annoying hissing sound between radio
stations, and suppresses very weak stations which can-
not be received with reasonable quality.



