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Background Information - Phonak SafetyMeter Gebrauchsanweisung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

10 Background information

SafetyMeter verifies the attenuation that a Phonak hearing protection ear shell provides
to the user, while he or she wears it.
There are several advantages to running a SafetyMeter test:
u User and employer rest assured that the hearing protection is protecting the user
u The user receives training on how to fit his/her ear shells and experiences how it feels
when the hearing protection is worn correctly.
u Test results are stored and can be included in hearing conservation programs, helping
employers to comply with national standards and/or the recommendations of
occupational safety organizations.
The SafetyMeter test is objective and does not require the user to provide any subjective
feedback. The soundcard plays reference sounds through the headphones while miniature
microphones, mounted in the probes, capture the residual sounds inside the user's ear
shells. The difference between the two signals is used to compute the effective attenuation
provided by the shells.
A relatively quiet room (such as an office) is needed to run a SafetyMeter test. The
attenuation check takes approximately 20 seconds, whereas a complete sequence including
user training, attaching the probes, fitting the shells, wearing the headphones and running
the software lasts around 5 minutes per person.
The SafetyMeter software also provides self-test functionality in order to guarantee
that all elements – soundcard, headphones, probes and software – stay operational over
time. A system check with the probes in use is automatically required by the system
every 6 months.
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