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Bauerfeind VenoTrain Gebrauchs- Und Pflegeanleitung Seite 4


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  • DEUTSCH, seite 1
Angabe zum eingesetzten Material
Bauerfeind ist nach Oeko-Tex Standard 100 berechtigt, das Symbol
„Textiles Vertrauen" zu führen, denn bei der Herstellung unserer
Produkte kommen nur Materialien zum Einsatz, die schadstoffgeprüft
dem Etikett, welches in jedem Kompressionsstrumpf eingenäht ist.
Hinweise zum Wiedereinsatz
Die VenoTrain-Kompressionsstrümpfe sind allein für Ihre Versorgung
vorgesehen. Geben Sie Ihre VenoTrain daher nicht an Dritte weiter.
• Gewährleistung wird gemäß den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen so-
wie den Liefer- und Vertragsbedingungen der Bauerfeind AG (AGB)
gewährt, wenn alle in dieser Gebrauchsanweisung genannten
Punkte eingehalten wurden.
• Bei unsachgemäßer Anwendung und eigenmächtig vorgenomme-
nen Änderungen am Produkt ist die Haftung ausgeschlossen.
• Kompressionsstrümpfe sind Gebrauchsgegenstände und unterlie-
gen bei regelmäßiger Benutzung einem natürlichen Verschleißpro-
zess. Die maximale Tragezeit beträgt 6 Monate. Dies setzt richtige
• Bei Reklamationen wenden Sie sich bitte ausschließlich an Ihr
Fachgeschäft. Wir weisen Sie darauf hin, dass nur gereinigte Ware
bearbeitet werden kann.
• Kompressionsstrümpfe sind nicht zweckentfremdet anzuwenden.
Sie können die Kompressionsstrümpfe über den Hausmüll entsorgen.
Existieren abweichende nationale gesetzliche Vorschriften, sind
diese anzuwenden.
Stand der Information: 2014-06
Weitere ausführliche Informationen erhalten Sie von Ihrem Arzt und in
Ihrem Fachgeschäft.
Geschlossene Fußspitze
1) Wenden Sie den Strumpf nach „Links" bis zur Ferse. Streifen
Sie das Fußteil über die Zehen, dann über den Spann.
2) Das Beinteil wenden und gleichzeitig über die Ferse ziehen.
Achten Sie auf einen korrekten Sitz der Ferse.
3) Den Strumpf nun etappenweise nach oben streifen und
gleichmäßig verteilen, bis er faltenfrei sitzt.
Niemals am Oberrand oder Haftband ziehen.
Offene Fußspitze
1) Beiliegende blaue VenoTrain-Anziehhilfe anlegen.
2) Fassen Sie das Beinteil zusammen und streifen das Fußteil
über die Anziehhilfe. Achten Sie auf einen korrekten Sitz
der Ferse.
3) Den Strumpf nun etappenweise nach oben streifen und
gleichmäßig verteilen, bis er faltenfrei sitzt.
Niemals am Oberrand oder Haftband ziehen. Nun können
Sie die Anziehhilfe entfernen, indem Sie sie durch die
offene Fußspitze herausziehen.
Beachten Sie die Anleitung auf der Einklappseite dieser
Das Anlegen Ihrer VenoTrain-Kompressionsstrümpfe wird durch die
Anziehhilfe VenoTrain glider erleichtert.
Dear Customer,
thank you for placing your trust in Bauerfeind. The VenoTrain
compression stockings you have purchased represent a high quality
that are uniquely soft and gentle to the skin, contribute to ensuring
a pleasant yet therapeutic wearing experience. For a successful
therapy, we recommend wearing your VenoTrain compression
stockings daily. Consult your physician on a regular basis. This will
help to ensure long term therapeutic success.
If there is a CE mark on the sewn-in label on your stockings, they
are a standard product. If your name is printed on the sewn-in label
and there is no CE mark, the stockings are a custom-made product in
the sense of § 3 No. 8 of the German Medical Devices Act.
Please read these user instructions carefully as they contain
important information about use, indications and contraindications,
use so that you can consult them later if any questions arise.
Intended purpose
• Long-term treatment of phlebological diseases in the case of
• Long-term treatment of lymphatic diseases in the case of arm
sleeves and stockings
• Prophylaxis (prevention) of vein problems
• Primary (hereditary vein weakness) and secondary varicosis
(as collateral circulation in the condition after deep leg vein
thrombosis has occurred)
• Varicosis during pregnancy
• Thrombosis prophylaxis (prevention of a thrombosis)
condition after phlebitis has healed
• Deep leg vein thrombosis and condition after thrombosis (blood
clot formation in the veins)
result of a deep leg vein thrombosis)
discoloration and hardening of the skin)
• After sclerotherapy (vein obliteration) and venous surgery
• Post-traumatic (as a result of injury) and post-operative edemas
• Lymphedemas (tissue swelling due to obstruction of lymph
drainage) and lipedemas (swelling of the fatty tissue)
• Angiodysplasias (congenital vascular malformations)
The compression class needs to be selected by the consultant
physician. Regular medical checkups are an important part of
therapeutic success.
Permissible conditions and places of use
In accordance with the indications
Application risks
There are no known application risks if the product is used properly,
provided your legs have been measured by a trained specialists
and you have an understanding of the correct way of donning the
garment. In the case of stockings with a silicone top band, skin
irritation can occur in patients who are intolerant to this material.
* Note on the risk of personal injury (risk of injury, harm to health,
accidents and property damage)
• Advanced peripheral arterial occlusion (circulatory disturbance in
the leg arteries)
• Phlegmasia coerulea dolens (acute and extreme venous occlusion
with blue discoloration and severe swelling of the leg)
• Weeping dermatosis (skin rash)
• Material intolerances
• Paresthesia of the extremity (numbness and reduced pain
perception with advanced peripheral neuropathy)
The manufacturer accepts no liability – in particular product liability
– in the event of failure to comply with the above contraindications.
Application instructions
medically trained specialists.
soon as you get up.
• Wear rubber gloves (e.g. Bauerfeind gloves) to put on and take off
your VenoTrain compression stockings as this makes it easier to
distribute the material over the leg.
• Your legs and hands must be dry. Please note: compression
you take off all jewelry before starting.
• Please avoid over-stretching the stockings, and do not pull up the
product by the top band.
• Protect your VenoTrain compression stockings against contact
moisturizers as this may have a damaging effect on the fabric.
• We recommend applying moisturizers in the evening after you
have removed your compression stockings.
• Avoid damaging the knitted fabric (e.g. as a result of wearing
unsuitable shoes) and do not cut off any loose threads or labels, as
this may affect the durability of the garment.
• If you experience any unexpected problems with the compression
stockings, take them off as a precaution and consult a physician.
• Standard products can be stored for up to 36 months, after which
medical compression stockings can be worn for up to 6 months.
The product's storage life under proper storage conditions is
indicated by an "hourglass" symbol printed on the label on the
packet. Custom-made medical compression stockings are intended
for immediate use and are therefore not given a storage life date.
Cleaning instructions
• Avoid dry cleaning and ironing.
• Prolong the life of your stockings by daily handwashing or
machine washing on a delicate wash cycle (please note the care
instructions on the label of your stockings).
• The product can be machine dried provided a delicate cycle is
chosen (refer to the information on the label). However, direct
heat should be avoided (radiators, sunshine). When handwashing
the stockings, we recommend drying them between two towels (do
not wring).
• Only use a mild washing powder/liquid and avoid the use of
washing additives like fabric softener, optical brighteners or stain
• Please wipe the inside of the silicone top band with a damp cloth
regurlarly (e.g. using Bauerfeind silicone top band cleaning
• Store your VenoTrain compression stockings in a dry place away
from direct light.
Please refer to the care instructions on the fabric label of your
compression stocking.
Information on the material used
Bauerfeind is authorized according to the Oeko-Tex Standard 100 to
which have been tested for harmful substances. Further information
on material content can be found on the label sewn into every
compression stocking.
Notes on reuse
VenoTrain compression stockings are intended for your treatment
only. For this reason, do not pass the VenoTrain on to other people.
• Warranty is provided in accordance with the statutory provisions
as well as the terms of supply and contractual terms of Bauerfeind
AG (AGB), as long as all the points in these instructions for use are
• All liability is excluded if the stockings are not used in the proper
way or if unauthorized changes are made to them.
• Compression stockings are articles for daily use, and as such they
are subject to natural wear and tear when used on a regular basis.
The maximum length of use is six months. This is based on correct
handling (putting on and removal, care, etc.).
• If you have any complaints, please contact your medical retailer
only. We would point out that only clean goods can be dealt with.
• Compression stockings should only be used for the proper,
intended purpose.
The compression stockings can be disposed of in household waste. If
deviating national statutory provisions exist, these must be applied.
Version: 2014-06
For more details, please consult your physician or medical retailer.
Donning tips
Product with closed toe option
1) Turn the stocking inside-out up to the heel (fold it over to
the left). Pull the foot part over your toes and then over
the upper part of your foot.
2) Fold the leg part back over and pull it over your heel at
the same time. Make sure that the heel is in the correct
3) Now pull the stocking up gradually and distribute it
uniformly until it is free of creases.
Avoid pulling on the top band when donning the garment.
Product with open toe option
1) Use the blue VenoTrain donning aid supplied.
2) Gather the leg part together and pull the foot part over
the donning aid. Make sure that the heel is in the correct
3) Now pull the stocking up gradually and distribute it
uniformly until it is free of creases.
Avoid pulling on the top band when donning the garment.
You can now remove the donning aid by withdrawing it
from the open toe.
Please follow the instructions on the foldout sheet of this
Putting on your VenoTrain compression stockings is made much
easier by the VenoTrain glider donning aid.

