PPS10 Pocket Scope
The screen remains blank or there is no
signal :
No power supply
Batteries are discharged
Contrast adjustment is incorrect
Press RESET for at least 10 seconds
REMARK: Temporarily remove both batteries
and adapter in case RESET has no effect.
RMS readout is incorrect :
Make sure that at least 1 and preferably even 2
periods are displayed.
The batteries are discharged.
No signal on the oscilloscope display :
Time/div setting is in the wrong position. Try
1ms or choose auto-setup mode.
The unit is in the Hold position
Trigger function is set in the "once" position
The programmed trigger level is not reached
(choose "run" mode)
Y position is wrong
The input signal is too high, change the volt/
div. setting or choose auto-setup.
Incorrect frequency readout:
An incorrect time/div. setting has been
chosen. (start at 0,2µs/div)
Voltage readout does not correspond with the
actual value :
The measuring probe is in the X10 position
The batteries are discharged
The zero refrence is not set correctly for DC