Trigger setup
Fig 53
Fig 55
Fig 52
Fig 54
Fig 56
PPS10 Pocket Scope
Triggering on the falling slope (Fig. 52):
the signal will only appear when a falling
slope is detected, i.e. the input voltage is
higher than the trigger level and must de-
scend under the trigger level.
Between the triggering and the sampling start-
up you will notice a time delay. During this
delay the signal can not be shown onto the dis-
play and another slope could appear with a fast
time base.
Trigger modes
Each move to the left of the joystick will
modify the trigger mode between 'norm',
'run', 'once' or 'roll'. The auto-range will
be switched off when modifying the trigger
'norm' = normal triggering (fig 53)
'run' = auto triggering (fig 54)
'once' = single sampling (fig 55 & 56)
'roll' = roll mode (fig 57)
Fig 57