input sensitivity
Fig 30
Fig 31
PPS10 Pocket Scope
With a time base of 2µs/div or faster, the
scope will be set in oversampling. Only
periodic signals can be reproduced.
To measure periodic signals, always start
with the fastest time base (0.2µs/div) and
decelerate to the desired readout. With an
incorrect setup (time base too slow), the
period of the appearing signal can be in-
correct. This is a result of the interference
(aliasing) of the incoming signal with the
sampling frequency.
Input sensitivity
Decrease or increase the signal by modifying
the shown voltage per division (V/div) (the
division can be made visible in the Display
Press the 'T-V/div' button if the joystick func-
tion does not appear in the 'T-V/div' mode.
By pushing the joystick up or down, a sensi-
tivity of 5mV up to 20V (50mV up to 200V in
the x10 probe position) per division can be
set. Pushing the joystick up will increase the
sensitivity, pushing the joystick down will
decrease the sensitivity.
Modifying the sensitivity will deactivate
the auto-range.
The sensitivity cannot be modified in the
Hold mode.