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Maintenance; Operation - Atlas Copco DKR 36 Bedienungsanleitung

Vorschau ausblenden Andere Handbücher für DKR 36:


Verfügbare Sprachen
  • DE

Verfügbare Sprachen

  • DEUTSCH, seite 6
* Check that you have the correct working pressure,
i.e. 5.5 - 6.2 bar (e). Too high a working pressure
can damage the machine.
* Always blow the compressed-air hose clean be-
fore connecting it to the machine.
* Make sure that the lubricator is full.
* Make sure that you have the right tool for the job,
with the correct shank dimensions.
Do not attempt to fill the lubricator while it is
* Make sure that the tool is safely locked into the
chuck of the machine. To ensure continued correct
chuck operation, change worn or damage parts
* Always wear protective shoes, gloves, helmet, ear
protectors and goggles when using the machine.
Certain parts of the DKR 36 require continuous lubri-
cation during operation. This is achieved by mixing
suitable lubricating oil into the operating air via the
machine's built-in lubricator.
To ensure good continuous lubrication, the lubricator
must be filled with a recommended oil before use,
and every 4th hour thereafter.
Recommended lubricants
range °C
Synthetic oil
–30 to +50
–20 to +15
Mineral oil
+15 to +35
The tool shank should be wet with oil at all times dur-
ing operation of the machine.
If you hold your hand in front of the exhaust port dur-
ing operation of the machine, your hand should be-
come oily after a few seconds. This indicates that lu-
brication of the percussion mechanism is effective.
If lubrication does not appear to be effective, check
the function of the lubricator.
Changing the tool
To change a drill bit or chisel, simply push the tool re-
tainer sleeve backwards, whereupon the tool can be
moved freely in and out of the chuck.


The flow of compressed air to the machine is regu-
lated by means of the trigger on the inside of the D-
The trigger valve is designed to enable continuous
and gentle regulation of the starting air.
Idle percussion should be avoided.
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ISO VG 46-100
ISO VG 32-46
ISO VG 46-100
During drilling
* Always wear protective shoes, gloves, helmet, ear
protectors and goggles.
* Use properly ground drill bits.
* Stand in a stable position with good balance, and
do not place your feet too close to the drill.
* Always observe all laws and safety regulations.
During chipping
* To obtain good working results, always keep the
tool sharp.
* Stand in a stable position with good balance, and
do not place your feet too close to the machine.
* Before pressing the starting trigger, press the ma-
chine against the working surface.
* Always observe all laws and safety regulations.


For best results and safety:
* Before opening the machine or trying to loosen any
connections, first switch off the air supply, then
vent and disconnect the compressed-air hose.
* Clean and inspect the machine every 3 months. If
there is a noticeable reduction in output power
even though the air pressure is good, the machine
should be sent to a workshop for inspection and re-
pair, or general overhaul if necessary.
Caring for your machine
Daily maintenance, regular checking of wear parts
and early repairs prevent breakdowns and increase
the service life of the machine.
Precautions to prevent freezing
At low ambient temperatures, there is a risk of ice for-
mation in the machine. This can be avoided by install-
ing a water separator into the compressed-air line, or
by using AIR-OIL as the lubricant.
N.B. It is NOT advisable to pour technical solvent or
similar substances into the machine, since the spirit
will wash away the lubrication and cause increased
Optional equipment
* MANTEX lightweight hose
* VAM water separator
* Tools for optimum efficiency
* AIR-OIL synthetic oil
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thereof is prohibited. This applies in particular to trademarks,
model denominations, part numbers and drawings.



Diese Anleitung auch für:

Dkr 36r
