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DALAP GmbH assures the efficient operation of the device in accordance with tha technical-exploitation conditions
attached hereto. The guarantee covers constructional and material defects of devices. The following guarantee is
valid at the territory of the European Union.
The guarantee covers free reparation within 24 months from the date of a purchase.
The following guarantee does not exclude, limit, nor suspend the powers of a buyer.
he guarantee does not cover defects arising as a result of:
mechanical forces,dirt,
constructional changes,
activities connected with conservation and cleaning of the devices,
natural disasters, chemical and atmospherical factors,
improper storing,
unauthorized reparation,
improper installation of the device.
Guarantee claims shall be refused thereat.
The realization of a client´s rights shall happen by the reparation or free replacement of the defective device,
removal of other defects of the device, the term „reparation" does not cover the activities provided in the manual
(conservation, cleaning), that the user is bound to on his own.
The complaint shall be considered within 30 days from the day the product is delivered to the producer or the seller.
Decisions made by DALAP GmbH connected with the guarantee claims are considered final.
Connecting with the electric network should be carried out by professional electrician with SEP qualifications! Before
the conservation, a fan should be disconnected from the electric network! The electrical installation should have a
switch with the distance between contacts of all the poles less then 3 mm. The complete grounding system of a fan
is required. The inverse flow of gases to the room from open chimney hole or other devices with an open fire have to
be avoided, fans should not be used in rooms having increased humidity and as anti-explosion fans. The producer
reserves the right to introduce constructional changes, arising of the technical progress.
DALAP GmbH garantuje efektivní provoz zaøízení v souladu s technickými podmínkami prùtoku, uvedenými v tomto
návodu. Záruka se vztahuje na konstrukèní a materiálové vady zaøízení. Následující záruka platí na území Evropské
Záruka se vztahuje na bezplatnou opravu, popø. výmìnu výrobku, ve lhùtì 24 mìsícù ode dne nákupu. Reklamace musí
být vyøízena ve lhùtì 30 dní ode dne doruèení reklamovaného výrobku prodejci nebo výrobci. Následující záruka
nevyluèuje, neomezuje, ani nijak nepopírá zákonná práva kupujícího.
Záruka se nevztahuje na níže uvedené vady, vzniklé v dùsledku:
mechanického poškození, zneèištìní,
konstrukèních zmìn,
èinností spojených s ochranou a èištìním zaøízení,
pøírodních katastrof, chemických a atmosférických vlivù,
nesprávného skladování,
neoprávnìných a neautorizovaných oprav a neodborné manipulace se zaøízením,
nesprávné instalace zaøízení.
V tìchto a obdobných pøípadech se záruèní nároky zamítají.
Zákazník má právo na bezplatnou opravu, popø. výmìnu vadného zaøízení, odstranìním ostatních vad zaøízení, termín
"oprava" nezahrnuje èinnosti uvedené v manuálu (údržba, èištìní),které je zákazník povinen provádìt sám.
Rozhodnutí o záruèních nárocích uèinìná výrobcem DALAP GmbH se považují za koneèné.
Pøipojení na elektrickou sí musí být provádìna odborným elektrikáøem! Pøed údržbou musí být ventilátor odpojen od
elektrické sítì! Elektrické zaøízení musí být pøipojeno na spínaè, který má vzdálenost mezi kontakty všech pólù více než
3 mm. Ventilátor musí být uzemnìn! Je tøeba zabránit zpìtnému toku plynu do místnosti z otevøeného komínu. Ventilátor
by nemìl být používán v místnostech s vyšší vlhkostí a jako protivýbušný ventilátor. Výrobce si vyhrazuje právo
provádìt konstrukèní zmìny, vyplývající z technického pokroku.
CAUTION! Turn off the electrical supply to the area where the fan is to be installed! The electrical
installation must be performed by professionals with the required qualifications!
Example of connecting the unit to the sewage system:
Before you turn the unit on, please make sure that the drainage system is filled with water (the system must always
contain water). Please check during the installation that the water does flow freely and directly into the sewage
system to prevent any damage that could be done by water. The system is designed to be used in rooms where the
temperatures stay above 0°C and it is necessary to cover the pipes with insulation. By switching the exhaust fans
on, the pressure in the system starts falling. At the maximum pressure of 300 Pa the length of the parts A and B has
to be equal to about 60 mm.


Maintenance and cleaning:
- 1. Maintenance of the filters – 3 to 4 times a year
If the flow of air is falling the filter may be clogged, so clean the filters according to circumstances and environment,
at least 3 to 4 times a year. The filter can be either cleaned by a vacuum cleaner or exchanged for a new one. New
filters can be bought from your re-seller or place of purchase.
- 2. Maintenance of the heat exchanger – once a year
Even when regular maintenance is carried out, there is still a possibility that dust may accumulate on the surface of
the heat exchanger. It is necessary to clean the heat exchanger regularly. To clean the heat exchanger, take it out of
the unit and wash it carefully with a mixture of water and non-aggressive detergent. Once it is fully dry re-assemble it
back into to the unit.
- 3. Checking the fans – once in a year
Even when regular maintenance is carried out, the fan blades may have a light coating of dust which can affect the
efficiency of the unit. To clean the fan blades use a soft cloth or brush. Do not use water, detergents, sharp objects
etc., as these could damage the fan blades.
- 4. Checking the drainage of the condensation tank
The drainage pipe can get clogged with small particles. Check that the water from the condensation container has a
free flow into the sewage pipes by adding water to the container. If necessary please clean the drainage pipes.
- 5. Checking the airflow – twice a year
Leaves and other dirt may cover the intake grille and affect the power/efficiency of the airflow. Check the intake grille
- 6. Checking the ducting system – once in 5 years
Even when regular maintenance is carried out the ducting system can have a light coating of dust and it can affect
the efficiency of the unit, therefore check and clean the ducting system regularly and exchange damaged / old parts.
- 7. Cleaning of the exhaust blades and disk valves
Remove the blades and disc valves and wash them in warm soapy water. Be careful as these parts cannot be
- 8. Checking the robustness of the system
Once a year all the connections should be checked to see if the are sound and in good order, and if needed adjusted
or exchanged.

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