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Viessmann 5214 Betriebsanleitung Seite 2

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Die Pendelzugsteuerung 5214 ermöglicht den automatischen Verkehr eines Zuges zwischen
zwei Bahnhöfen. Es sind für diese Steuerung keinerlei Gleiskontakte notwendig. Über einge-
baute elektronische Gleisbesetztmelder wird jederzeit der Standort des Zuges durch die Elek-
tronik erkannt. Der Baustein enthält ebenfalls die Elektronik für ein langsames Anfahren bzw.
Abbremsen des Zuges im jeweiligen Endbahnhof. Die Aufenthaltszeiten des Zuges sind, für je-
den der beiden Endbahnhöfe getrennt, stufenlos einstellbar. Die aktuellen Betriebszustände
werden über 4 eingebaute LEDs angezeigt. In das Modul ist außerdem eine Elektronik zur
gleichzeitigen Ansteuerung von zwei
sel (Nachglimmen) integriert. Durch den Anschluß eines separaten Schalters (
6835) kann der Zug die Pendelstrecke auf Wunsch verlassen. Über Taster kann auch manuell
gefahren werden. Die Geschwindigkeitssteuerung der gesamten Fahrstrecke erfolgt über die
Pendelzugsteuerung, daher ist zum Anschluß kein regelbarer Trafo nötig. Zur Versorgung beim
Betrieb mit allen Baugrößen, ausgenomen "Z", empfehlen wir den
formator 5200. Für die Baugröße "Z" verwenden Sie bitte unbedingt den Beleuchtungsaus-
gang (grau und gelb) Ihres Original-"Z"-Transformators mit 10 V~!
Bitte beachten Sie bei Verwendung von LGB (Spur G) den speziellen Anschlußplan in Abbil-
dung 3, da hierbei die Polarität an den Schienen vertauscht ist.
Der Fahrbetrieb erfolgt mit nicht-digitalem Gleichtrom. Sollte Ihre Pendelzug-Lokomoti-
ve mit einem Digitaldecoder ausgerüstet sein, so vergewissern Sie sich bitte zunächst
bei Ihrem Lokomotiv- bzw. Decoderhersteller, ob dieses Fahrzeug auch mit nicht digita-
lem Gleichstrom betrieben werden darf bzw. kann.
Eine Kombination der
-Pendelzugsteuerung 5214 mit dem elektronischen Gleisrei-
niger von der Fa. Noch ist leider nicht möglich, da hierdurch die elektronische Fahrzeugerken-
nung beeinflußt werden würde und kein sicherer Pendelbetrieb mehr garantiert werden kann.
Selbiges gilt auch für Dauerzugbeleuchtungs-Generatoren.
The commuter train control module 5214 allows a train to commute automatically between two
stations. You don't need any extra switching tracks or track contacts for this. By the included
electronical track occupation-indicators the circuit is always informed about the position of the
train. The module also contains a circuit to slow down the train softly in the two end stations.The
stop time you can adjust stepplessly, separately for each end station. The actual operating sta-
tus is indicated by 4 build-in LEDs. There is also a control unit for two
gnals included, which let the signal aspects change softly. By using an extra DPDT switch (e.g.
6835) the train can leave the commuter track section.With two additional push
button switches it is also possible to control the train manually. On the whole track section the
speed is controled by the commuter train module. Therefore it is not necessary to use an adjust-
able transformer. For every scale, with the exeption of "Z" scale, we recommend the
light transformer 5200. For "Z" scale you must use the light current output (grey and yellow) of
your original "Z" transformer (10 V AC)!
Please recognize, that for LGB ("G" scale) you have to use the special schematic in figure 3, be-
cause there the polarity of the rails is different to all other systems.
The module supplies non-digital direct current to the rail. If the locomotive of your com-
muter train has got a digital decoder, please ask the producer of the decoder or of your
locomotive if it is possible respectively allowed to supply it with non-digital direct cur-
It is not possible to combine the
tronic rail cleaner from Noch or Gaugemaster. The electronical track occupation-indication will
be disturbed by the high voltage of the cleaning impulses.It is also impossible to use generators
for permanent train illumination together with the 5214.
-Lichtsignalen mit weichem Signalbildwech-
colour light si-
commuter train control module 5214 with the elec-
Bitte beachten Sie, daß der Zug jeweils an der Trennstelle beginnt, abzubremsen. Wählen Sie
deshalb die Bremsabschnitte entsprechend lang!
commuter train control module is equipped with 4 controls and 4 indicating
LEDs. With the additional toggle switch you can change between two operating modes.The
controls (trimming potentiometers) can be set by a small screw-driver. In the following the func-
tions of the controlling and indicating elements are described.
This means "stop time". With these two controls you can set the stop time
of the train separately for both terminals (1 and 2) from approx. 5 to
approx. 70 seconds. The stop 1 is connected to socket "9". The stop 2 is
connected to socket "12".
The english word is "acceleration": Herewith the starting- and braking de-
lay can be adjusted jointly for both terminals (a "soft" starting and bra-
king). The braking sections should be of similar length at both terminal
points. When the first
current consuming
ted point at the beginning of the stopping track, the commuter train control
module begins, to slow down the entire train up to the stop.This current
vehicle can be on one hand the locomotive, on the other hand
e.g. an illuminated (steering-) car. If the car(riage) at the end of your
commuter train
is not illuminated
bridged by a resistor of approx. 33 kOhm (e.g. with the resistanced wheel
set from Roco 40186 resp. 40187 or resistance lacquer.)
(= Speed) With this control the cruising speed of the commuter train can
be set.
Please note, that with increasing cruising speed also the stopping
distance becomes longer.
The both green LEDs (light-emitting diodes) indicate if the commuter train
control module detects a current consuming vehicle on one of the braking
tracks (braking or standing). If they extinguish, the train begins
This yellow LED indicates the voltage at the track.
This red LED lights, if the commuter train control module has switched off
itself because of overload.
circuit appears (e.g. by a derailed vehicle) or the commuter train
s too much current (e.g. because it has too many illuminated car-
riages). If an overload
sockets "1" and "2".Than the cause of overload you must search and solve
(remove the derailed vehicle from the tracks, reduce the amount of
illuminated carriers, choose other locomotives...). After a
at least 2 minutes the power supply can be switched on again.
With the external switch you can choose between automatic and manual
resp. half-automatic mode. In case of automatic mode the commuter train
enters the stopping track and brakes up to the stop. After the set time ran
out for this terminal, the train starts to the opposite direction and accele-
rates to the
speed. The same process is automatically repeated
at the opposed terminal.
In case of manual resp. half-automatic mode the commuter train does not
start automatically. It only restarts if the corresponding start-key (1 or 2) is
pressed. H
owever t
he slowing down of the train at the entrance of the
terminals also in this operating mode automatically.
Please note, that the commuter train begins to slow down
lation. Therefore please make the stopping tracks long enough!
vehicle has passed the insula-
, so the wheelset insulation should be
to accele-
An overload occurs e.g. if on the tracks a short-
, you must switch off the current supply on
cooling time of
at the beginning
of each track insu-

