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Intended Use; Table Of Contents - Conrad 75 06 59 Bedienungsanleitung

4-kanal-videoumschalter mit kamerasteuerung s


Intended Use

The 4-channel video switch with camera control is used to control the connected
surveillance camera and to reproduce the pictures taken on a suitable television set
or monitor with an AV input.
Up to four cameras and 2 monitors can be connected to the 4-channel video switch
with camera control. If suitable cameras are mounted, these can be turned with the
video switch either automatically or manually. The power is supplied through the
supplied power unit.
The 4-channel video switch may only be used in dry rooms.
Please keep in mind that you will render yourself liable to prosecution if you keep
persons under observation without their knowledge and approval with this device.
Use other than that described above will lead to damage to the product and will
expose you to additional risks. No part of the product may not be modified or altered
in any way. Do not open the housing!
The safety instructions must be obeyed strictly!

Table of Contents

Introduction ..............................................................................................................15
Intended Use ............................................................................................................16
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................16
Safety instructions and danger warnings..................................................................17
Connection and operating elements ........................................................................19
Setting up the video switch ......................................................................................20
Connection ................................................................................................................20
Commissioning ........................................................................................................21
Handling ....................................................................................................................22
Servicing and maintenance ......................................................................................23
Disposal ....................................................................................................................23
Elimination of disturbances ......................................................................................24
Technical data ..........................................................................................................25
Ambient conditions ..................................................................................................25
Geachte klant, hartelijk dank voor de aanschaf van de 4-kanaals videoschakelaar
met camerabesturing.
Met dit product heeft u een apparaat gekocht dat volgens de huidige stand van de
techniek is ontwikkeld.
Dit product voldoet aan de voorwaarden van de geldende Europese en nationa-
le richtlijnen. De conformiteit is aangetoond en de overeenkomstige verklarin-
gen en documenten zijn bij de fabrikant gedeponeerd.
Volg de instructies van de gebruiksaanwijzing op om deze status van het apparaat te
handhaven en een gevaarloze werking te garanderen!
Bij vragen kunt u zich wenden aan onze Technische helpdesk:
Tel. 053-428 54 80
Fax 053-428 00 28
e-mail: helpdesk@conrad.nl
Ma. t/m do. van 8:30 tot 20:00 uur
van 8:30 tot 18:00 uur


