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Konig + Neurath LIFE.S Konferenz Montageanleitung Seite 44



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Saved position (memory)
Move the table top to the required height, this position will be
shown on the display. Press the SAVE button. S will be shown on
the display. Press the required memory button (e.g.. 2). S 2 will be
shown on the display. At this point the table top position set will be
saved under the selected memory button. There is an audible
double click and after about 2 seconds the saved position will be
Note: to ensure safety the table stops at a height of 720 mm. Press
the DOWN button again to reach its lowest position. In this range
the memory function is not active.
Retrieving a saved position
Press and hold the required memory button (e.g. 2). The table top
move until it reaches the saved position. Its current position is
shown on the display. Now release the memory button.
Enable and disable keylock
The keylock can be enabled and disabled by swiping the screen.
After enabling the keylock a key will be shown on the display.
Note: the display must be active during activation or deactivation
of the keylock (e.g. showing the current height). To activate the
display, press one key shortly (e.g. table top up button).


