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Third party software components, notices
and OSS license texts
The ncurses libraries implement the curses API. The panel, menu and forms
libraries implement clones of the SVr4 panel, menu and forms APIs. The source
code for these lives in the `ncurses', `panel', `menu', and `form' directories
In the `c++' directory, you'll find code that defines an interface to the
curses, forms, menus and panels library packaged as C++ classes, and a demo program in C++
to test it. These class definition modules are not installed by the 'make
install.libs' rule as libncurses++.
In the `Ada95' directory, you'll find code and documentation for an
Ada95 binding of the curses API, to be used with the GNAT compiler.
This binding is built by a normal top-level `make' if configure detects
an usable version of GNAT (3.11 or above). It is not installed automatically.
See the Ada95 directory for more build and installation instructions and
for documentation of the binding.
To do its job, the ncurses code needs your terminal type to be set in the
environment variable TERM (normally set by your OS; under UNIX, getty(1)
typically does this, but you can override it in your .profile); and, it needs a
database of terminal descriptions in which to look up your terminal type's
In older (V7/BSD) versions of curses, the database was a flat text file,
/etc/termcap; in newer (USG/USL) versions, the database is a hierarchy of
fast-loading binary description blocks under /usr/lib/terminfo. These binary
blocks are compiled from an improved editable text representation called
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