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Operation On A Layout - Märklin MAXI 260 Series V 60 Anleitung



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen


2.6 Operation on a layout

2.6.1 Connections
between the track layout
and the transformer
Rail joiners must fit well on the rails of
the track to which they are joined to
avoid voltage drop on the layout. We
recommend that you install feeder
wires every 2 to 3 meters (7 to 10 feet)
using the 5654 feeder clips.
2.6.2 Operating the locomotive
on grades
In contrast to the prototype a loco-
motive on a model railroad can ope-
rate up steeper grades. As a general
rule a grade should be no steeper
than 3%. In extreme situations a
maximum grade of 5% is permissi-
ble, keeping in mind that the locomo-
tive's tractive effort will be less. The
beginning and the end of the grade
must always work gradually up to
maximum grade for the route. The
maximum allowable difference in
grade between two track sections,
each with a minimum length of
300 mm (11-3/4") is 1 to 1.5 percent.


