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Air Entrance Into The Installation Place During Combustion - Nordica ROSSELLA PLUS FORNO Anweisungen



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Rossella Plus – Rossella Plus forno / Nicoletta – Nicoletta forno
ATTENTION: Eventual flammable pieces in the area of 20 cm round the connection pipes must be
changed with fireproof and not sensitive to heat materials.
For a good operation of the equipment it is essential that in the installation place it is introduced sufficient
air for combustion (see chapt. 7).
The depression on the chimney should be 10-12 Pa (=1.0-1.2 mm of water column). The measurement
must be done always with the equipment hot (rating calorific value). When the depression exceeds 17 PA
(1.7 mm of water column) it is necessary to reduce the same with the installation of an additional flue
adjuster (butterfly valve) on the exhaust pipe or in the chimney.
For safety reasons the door must be opened only for the loading of the fuel, while during the operation and
the rest, the door of the hearth must remain closed.


As the wood chimney stoves take their combustion air from the installation place, it is essential that a
sufficient quantity of air is introduced in the installation room itself.
In case of tight doors and windows (for example houses built according to the energy saving criteria) it is
possible that the air entrance is not guaranteed, compromising the draught, the welfare and the security of
the people. It is necessary to guarantee a further air entrance through an external air intake, to be
positioned in the nearby of the appliance or through air connection towards outside or a near ventilated
room, with the exception of thermal units place or garages (forbidden).
The connection pipe must be flat with a minimum diameter of 120 mm, a maximum length of 4 m and with
no more than 3 bends. If there is a direct connection with the outside it must be endowed with a special
The air entrance for combustion into the installation place must not be closed during the operation of the
cooker. It is absolutely necessary that in the environment in which the cookers operate with the natural flue
of the chimney, it is introduced as much air as necessary for the combustion, i.e. up to 20 m
The natural recirculation of air must be ensured by some fixed openings on the outside. The size of the
necessary openings for air is fixed by the relevant prescriptions. Ask information to your chimney sweeper.
The openings should be protected with grids and should never be obstructed.
An extraction hood (aspirating) installed in the same room or in a room nearby, causes depression with
output of combusted gasses (smoke, smell. It is also necessary to assure a further fresh air flow.
The depression in an extraction hood can at worst hypothesis, transforms the flue into an external
air intake, by sucking the smokes of the rooms with dangerous consequences for the people.
For a better comfort and corresponding oxygenation of
environment, the stove combustion air can be directly
withdrawn at the outside. In order to do that, the stove can be
connected to the external air socket by an optional junction
( Picture 8 C) ( Kit d. 120 )
Picture 8
Instructions for installation, use and maintenance – EN – Rev.02



Diese Anleitung auch für:

Rossella plusNicolettaNicoletta forno
