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Mindscape 4D Sports Boxing Bedienungsanleitung Seite 5


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where the l'rogram ctisk is located
(usuolly A:) Type FIGHT and press ENTER
to run the game. Once you have been
asked to insert the "Data Oisk" there is no
necd for furlhcr disk swopping for the
durotion of the game.
Ploying from Hord Disk
Log Lo your hord disk (usually by typing
C: and pressing ENTER) and then chunge
to the dircclory where 4D Sports;
is placed (Usually by typing CD FIGl:- I n.
Type FIGHT and press ENTER lo run the
Once the game has loaded, you will sec
the title screen and credits. Press ony key
to progress to the Main Menu. For a brief
insight into some of the game's feotures,
select DEMO with lhc cursor keys und
press ENTER to run o demonstralion
show-case of 4D Sports
The Main Menu
To move around this menu and others
within the·game use r thc orrow keys on
the Numeric keypad with the ENTER or
RETURN kcy lo confirm the selection. The
RETURN ond ENT[R key will also be
rcfered to us FIRE in the manual. If you
are using o Joystick, move the box
around wilh the �tick and press FJRE on
button 1 to confirm the sclcclion. When
the program dNccls a Mouse connected
t o your computer system, it displays a
pointer on scrcen when you need to moke
a menu.
selection from
pointer to the requirnd icon and press the
left hand button to confirm your choic:e.
The mouse cannot be used during the
fight to control lhe boxer. Pressing
ESCape during a menu screen has the
same effect as selecling lhc DONE button.
Move the flashing box over the
EXHIBITION option. Press ENTER lo select
Sele'-t the HUMAN boxer thut you wish to
fight with. Cycle througfü the available
boxers with NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons
and move to DONE when you have made
your selection. Now select the COMPUTER
boxer wilh lhc samc metho�. Look al the
statistics ot the bottom of the screen.
Choose o boxer with u similor or lower
ranking to your boxer so you don't moke
lifc Loo diffü:ult.
You will now go Lo the ring f o r the fight.
Vou will be introduced to the fight by the
host und two ic.:ons will uppeur on the
status ponel. Press FIRE ov er the two
gloves to start the fight.
Study the key controls in the Reference
Guide section of this manual f o r the
vorious boxing moves thut you con
now, do all you con to gct
your opponent on the canvas with stars
in his eyes - forget the strategy and have
fun getting used to the control method
and the way the boxers move.
Press FIRE to ring the bell und sturt the
fight. At the end of eoch round you will
sec Lhe stalisLics for the flght so fur. Don't
worry if yom performance is not exactly
Chumpionship stuff qui te yet! You will
quickly leam a fighting strotegy and style
thut is most effective in decking your
opponent, but for now just have a bil of
To quit the fight at any stage during the
fight press ESCape and select the"Throw
in the Towel" icon. Confirm that you
really do want to quit
Thumbs Up icon. This will register
agoinsL you and end the contcst.
ln EXHIBITION mode the boxer's results
ore not recorded and do not effect his
cureer. Use this mode to "test" your own
boxer or maybe try out a friend's champ
to sce if he matches up tc1 your �tandords.
Du ring the EXHIBITION fight press the
function keys (Fl Lhrough to F8) to see the
selecting the

