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Seite 1
Lenovo Go Vertical Wireless Mouse SP4 1 C3 3 8 8 4 (1P) PN: SP41C33884 Printed in China Lenovo Go Forward Backward 800 DPI Central 1600 DPI 2400 DPI Lenovo Unified Pairing Receiver Lenovo Go Central < 30 cm...
Seite 2
EU-Kontakt: Lenovo (Slovakia), Landererova 12, 811 09 EU – Izjava o skladnosti 电池注意事项 available at the following Internet address: Bratislava, Slovakia Lenovo (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. s tem izjavlja, da je brezžična English 危险 Greek oprema, navedena v tem dokumentu, skladna z Direktivo EU Battery notice ΕΕ...