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Mountain Buggy Freerider Handbuch Seite 34


• Adult supervision required at all times. • The product
must be assembled by an adult. • The product must be
used with caution, since skill is required to avoid falls
or collisions causing injury to the user or third parties.
• Always wear safety equipment such as a helmet
when riding in scooter mode. • Not to be used in traffic,
on roads or highways – safe riding areas may include
sidewalks, sports fields and yards. • Ride on smooth,
paved surfaces away from motor vehicles. Avoid sharp
bumps, drainage grates and sudden surface changes.
• Check all locking devices are engaged before every
ride. • Replace worn or broken parts immediately.
• Always wear flat footwear when riding the freerider
• Failure to use common sense and heed the above
warnings presents and enhances risks of serious injury.

