4 Transmitter configuration
4.1 Output 4...20 mA/HART communication
Use power supply units or batteries which ensure a permanent
operating voltage of DC 10,5 V ...42 V for the transmitter.
Consider the resistance of the signal receiver (e.g. display) is
looped into the signal circuit and the max. current of
20 ... 22mA, caused by over modulating.
We recommend using screened, pair wise twisted signal
cables. Do not place these cables close to other cables (with
inductive load) or close to other electrical devices.
4.2 Minimum configuration hints for PROFIBUS PA
The minimum configuration for having AI working needs at least
the following settings:
Pressure Transducer Block:
— SCALE_IN: Calibration range (Eng. Units for pressure only)
— LIN_TYPE: Linear, Square Root, Cylindrical Lying
Container, Spherical Container, Square Root 3° pow,
Square Root 5° pow, Bidirectional Flow and 22 points
Analog Input Block:
— OUT_SCALE: Output range (all allowed Eng. Units)
4.3 Minimum configuration hints for FOUNDATION
Fieldbus transmitters
The minimum configuration for having AI working and/or
moving out from the Out Of Service (OOS) mode needs at least
the following settings:
CHANNEL: 1=pressure; 2=sensor temperature; 3=static
XD_SCALE: Calibration range (Units for pressure only)
OUT_SCALE: Output range (all allowed Eng. Units)
— L_TYPE: Direct, Indirect or Square Root
Important. For more detailed information about configuration and
troubleshooting of FOUNDATION Fieldbus devices, please refer to
the complete "Operating Instruction" available online at
If the AI Block cannot be removed from OOS mode, please
refere to the below table:
Possible causes
The target mode is set to
Set the target mode to something different by
CHANNEL different by 0
The Configuration Error
Set L_Type correctly
bit is set in the
Set XD_SCALE unit = TPB Primary Value Range
Set the Target Mode of the RESOURCE
is not in AUTO mode
BLOCK to AUTO mode
The Block is not
Design the FB Application correctly and
download it to the devices
10 SOI/266-XC Rev. D | 2600T Series Pressure transmitters
4.4 Set the PV to Zero
(for Profibus and FOUNDATION Fieldbus)
After configuring the transmitters according to the
communication protocol, it is necessary to set the PV value to
This operation is tipically used for correction of the mounting
position and other influences (line pressure effects).
To carry out this correction the transmitter should be
pressure-free, (the connections should be pressure-free or
The PV value can be zeroed by using "set PV to Zero" inside
DTM or EDD parametrization menus.
4.5 How to set the zero
The following procedures do not affect the physical pressure
shown (PV VALUE); they only correct the analog output signal.
For this reason, the analog output signal may differ from the
physical pressure value (PV) shown on the digital display or the
communication tool. In case the plant procedure requires to
correct this, set the communication board dip switch nr.3 in 1
(up) position before performing the below procedures.
4.5.1 Zero based calibrated devices
(eg. 4 .. 20 mA = 0 .. 250 mbar)
The below procedure has not to be followed when dealing with
absolute pressure transmitters (266Axx/VxH/NxH/RxT)
1. Insulate the transmitter from the process and vent the
transmitter measuring chamber/s to atmosphere.
2. Check the output signal of the transmitter, if it is at 4 mA
(or PV= 0) you do not need to re-zero the transmitter; if
the output is not at zero follow the below procedure:
Unscrew the data plate fixing screw on the top of the
transmitter housing.
Rotate the data plate to get access to the push
Be sure that the write protection rotating switch is set
to write enable.
Push the zero (Z) button on top of the transmitter for
at least 3 seconds.
The output will go to 4 mA, and if the Integral Display
is present, the message "OPER DONE" will appear. If
nothing happens check the write protection rotating
switch, it is probably set to write disable. In case of
other diagnostic messages, refer to the instruction.
3. Once the "Zero" operation has been accomplished the
transmitter needs to be reconnected to the process.
4. Close the vent / drain valves that may have been opened
5. Open the insulation valve/s (in case of differential pressure
transmitters please follow the following sequence:
open high pressure side insulation valve,
open low pressure side insulation valve,
close equalizing valve.
4 Transmitter configuration